My weekly planner

Everyone maker I respect has developed a personal system to get stay productive.

Sometimes it’s a paper list of the three things that need to be done today. Other times, it’s a complex, connected list of priorities, tagged on workflow software. Whatever the format, nearly every builder I know has some set of tools & processes that work together to put as many decisions as possible on auto-pilot and open up more focused, creative space.

Over the years, one of my favorite conversations is to ask expert makers, “what’s your system?”. I take the best of what I learn and try to add it to my own

A constant work in progress, here’s my weekly “maker” system.

The full System.

My full maker system operates across three timeframes.




I often find my gravitates to whatever creative problem I’m trying to solve. It’s easy to skip on family dinner or a call home, then another and another. Thus, I have a checklist to make sure I don’t mess up what matters what. I start with big buckets, break them into critical habits, and track results on a spreadsheet.




On a weekly basis, I don’t just want to tasks things done. I want to learn, give and find balance - items that help me come up with future ideas. I created a to do list format that did just that - including what to delegate and what to let go.




Finally, on a yearly basis, I chew on life’s bigger question. I create a three question system to evaluate my year, and feed into resetting my daily priorities

My weekly planner

To Do Weekly v3.jpg

Product Dice


A Better Org Chart