Framework Dictionary

“frame·work (/ˈfrāmˌwərk/). A basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.” -Oxford Dictionary

A few months back, I started thinking about how I spend my time reading online. I’m not a person who thinks browsing the Internet is all bad; I think of myself as very curious and love stumbling upon something a new story and learning. However, I never really spent much time thinking about the process I use to be curious online. Wanting to make sure I use my time wisely, I put into place a few rules.

  1. Everyday I would learn at least two new frameworks.

  2. I would optimize reading online for frameworks per minute of reading. If I understood something and agreed, I would close the page and read something else. I’d return to sources & people where I was finding good material.

  3. If I learned something new, I would summarize the concept (so I knew I understood it) and add it to my Framework dictionary (so knew I could recall it).

Fast forward a few months, and I have catalogued 1000+ frameworks. Some frameworks are from publications and books, but others came from sources i didn’t expect - conversations, social media posts and simply asking OpenAI to give me some 20 frameworks about a subject (some of which it might have actually thought of itself…). I think it might be the largest set of frameworks on the web. I hope you enjoy!


Just Bears


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